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a year ago & a dream

a year ago today.
was our last day in ecuador. our last day on the world race. 
i picked these flowers from around our neighborhood and put them on our dresser. 
we flew back to the states unexpectedly because of covid.
i said some really hard rushed goodbyes to the people i had been with for months. 
i cried a lot of tears. i packed freakishly fast. 
and before i knew it was by myself on an airplane headed to north carolina. 

a year ago today i was with x squad (best squad!) in ecuador. it was good.
today i’m with a group of POWERHOUSE humans in georgia. it is good.
and i can dream about where i’ll be a year from now. it will be good. 

a year ago today i would’ve NEVER DREAMED i’d be where i am now. i’m living in gainseville georgia? with 15 women? going to class learning about what makes me me and how to lead myself and other people well? working at chipotle? sharing a room with 2 other people? and absolutely LOVING it? i would’ve never thought this is what i wanted, let alone what i needed. there’s no way i could’ve planned to be where i am now a year ago. thanks God. oh man, i just love how his plans really are better than ours. i’m so thankful to be where i am today! 

i can dream about my future without limits! without expectations! i’m COMPLETELY FREE to dream!! because there’s no fear in dreaming! there’s no fear of the future! thanks God thanks God thanks God!!!! 

if we know that God’s got it, and He is good, then his plans must be good!!!! because that’s just who he is! what a relief. what a blessing. it really all is in the palm of his hand. 


a lot has happened in the past year. our world has completely changed. we’ve had to adapt, and we’ve each made the choice to keep moving forward. the past year hasn’t been what ANY of us have expected. but i’m reminded that our God is bigger than our expectations. and that’s so so kind of him. thanks God for being even bigger and better than i could ever imagine. and giving us the freedom to dream real BIG!!! 


so i’ll leave you with this: do you trust God enough to dream with him? 






i’ve raised $2,000 already WOW! i’ve got just about $4,000 left to be fully funded, which sounds like a lot, i know. but we’ve done this before! we’ve got this! if you would like to partner with me and my CGA journey, please reach out to me or click that nice big orange donate button at the top of this page! any and every bit counts:) thanks SO MUCH for all of your support!